South Africa: Vestige of Colonialism (Game + Magazine) - S&T 62 - SPI - Unpunched

Regular price $29.95

"South Africa: The Death of Colonialism", is a two-player operational level wargame simulation of a possible revolt of that nation's Black majority (Black Nationalists) against the White South African government (Republic of South Africa Government) and of the government's reaction to such a revolt.

Subtitled 'The Death of Colonialism', this game was first published in Strategy & Tactics magazine #62.

Victory points are awarded each player for reduction (or destruction) of their opponent's units and control of certain map hexes. An automatic victory is attained if the ratio of points gained by either player reaches 3:1, otherwise play continues indefinitely (the standard scenario postulates that the Republic of South Africa will eventually collapse).

Variable events can prolong the game each turn until one side wins (or surrenders).

This item is in Good condition. There is some coloring and staining of components. There is some minor shelf wear. As usual, photos are of the item that you will receive.