About The War Library - Australia's Miniature and Wargame Bring and Buy
The War Library is run by a couple of friends who have gamed, read and argued over military history for years. We started the business when our libraries and project rooms grew so large that it was time to move a few bits along. Doing this, we found that other gamers needed help clearing their (or family members’) stash and we started selling on consignment too. We are now Australia's 24/7 miniatures and wargames Bring and Buy.
We sell military history and wargaming books, new and used miniatures and rules from Perry, Victrix, Warlord Games, Gripping Beast, Wargames Atlantic, Battlefront, Games Workshop and many more. Boardgames, sprues and bits too.
We often have hard to find, out of production items for sale as well as a great selection of new miniatures sprues and sets. We have more than thirty years experience working in the hobby in Australia and internationally and want to share our knowledge and contacts.
Our passion is historical miniature gaming but we can be distracted by good fantasy and sci-fi too!
Check out our ever-growing range.