Kutuzov: The War in Russia, 1812 - GMT - In Shrinkwrap

Regular price $89.95

Kutuzov is an interactive, play it complete in one-sitting card-driven game of sweeping manoeuvres, epic battles, storied sieges, lethal attrition and crucial-to-win troop morale for one to four players from the designer of The Napoleonic Wars and Wellington.

In the spring of 1812 Emperor Napoleon of France gathered the regiments of 20 nations together into the largest military force yet raised in Europe. That June he led this Grand Army of over 600,000 men across the Nieman River to begin what he believed would be his greatest and perhaps final triumph: the invasion and subjugation of Russia. As the defending armies fell back before this prodigious onslaught, Tsar Alexander turned to a pugnacious and crafty old warrior to help save his country, his people and his Romanov Dynasty: Marshal Mikhail KUTUZOV.

Kutuzov uses the same basic rules system as found in The Napoleonic Wars, as it has been modified for even more interactive play in Wellington . As with the later title, there are no diplomatic or political rules: other than those which come into play should Imperial morale fall so low as to trigger the desertion of the Austrians or outright revolt of the Prussians. There are no naval rules other than a Russian ability to move between friendly ports and a "Hornblower" Home Card that allows for a Russian invasion on the Baltic Coast). Kutuzov is thus primarily a game of manoeuvre and combat, where players can recreate the sieges and legendary battles made so familiar to gamers as brought to life in such great books as Leo Tolstoy's War and Peace.

As this is Russia, however, not all enemies stand in solid ranks before you. Players must contend not only with their opponents but with Cossack raiders, Polish Lancers, often brutally horrifying attrition, fragile morale, treacherous allies, political events from outside the theatre of war and, of course, "Scorched Earth" and "General Winter" himself, whose scourge effects both invader and defender of Holy Mother Russia.

This item is in In Shrinkwrap condition. There is a hole in the shrinkwrap on the front (see pictures). There is some very minor shelfwear. As always, photos are of the item that you will receive.