A resource of ship designs for use with Full Thrust - THE tactical starship combat rules!
Over sixty different pre-generated starship designs ready for use.
This volume covers major warship classes of the four main powers of the Third Solar War period - the New Anglian Confederation Royal Navy, the Eurasian Solar Union Star Navy, the New Swabian League Kreigsraumflotte, and the Federal Stats Europa Astromarine, plus a selection of generic freighters, merchants, and support ships.
An essential source-book and reference aid for all Full Thrust players, whether using the "Official" background time-line or not. Includes new and updated rules, new weapons, a completely revised (and even more versatile) Ship Design System, and an accurate but simple Vector Movement System that is fully compatible with Full Thrust.
This copy is in Excellent condition. Of course, the set pictured is the one you will receive.