Field of Glory - Ancient to Medieval Rules - 1st Edition Hardback

Regular price $17.95

In Field of Glory you will take command of an army which consists of approximately 10-15 battle groups led by the C-in-C and his senior commanders. The game has been designed to ensure that, just as in reality, the commanders (you) are fully occupied with decision making from the outset. Your key objective is to outmanoeuvre the enemy army and concentrate your forces at critical points in the battle. This will then destroy the enemy's will to fight, deal a devastating blow to the morale of their commanders (your opponent) and allow you to win.

The companion army list books will contain historical overviews and the organisation of hundreds of accurately researched armies, ensuring that your battles will be able to have a realistic and historical feel.

Also, in reality, some armies would be relatively small, consisting of as few as 5,000 men, whilst others would be enormous. Field of Glory will allow you to see what might have been had these forces been equally matched, using a points system, as each army can then be scaled up or down whilst retaining an individual mix and balance of troops to create “what if” encounters.

In Field of Glory our most important objective is to make the game fun to play whilst retaining a strong historical feel. So whether you fancy being Alexander the Great or Ghengis Khan, it's up to you, happy gaming and may your dice roll high!

This copy is in Very Good condition.  Of course, the book pictured is the one you will receive.